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About the California Climate Hub

The mission of the California Climate Hub is to develop science-based, region-specific information and technologies alongside USDA agencies and partners, and deliver these products to agricultural and natural resource managers that enable climate-informed decision-making. This is in alignment with the USDA mission to provide leadership on food, agriculture, natural resources, rural development, nutrition, and related issues based on sound public policy, the best available science, and efficient management.


Meet Partners of the California Climate Hub

The success of the California Climate Hub in engaging land management stakeholders on management practices, decision support tools and climate and weather information is achieved through close coordination with other USDA, federal, and state agencies along with university and NGO partners. 


In the Spotlight

We occasionally spotlight individuals we work with or those working on problems and solutions that align with the Climate Hub efforts to support science-based decision-making and climate-adaptive or climate-resilient land management practices. Read more about some of this work here, and let us know if you or a colleague would like to be featured in a spotlight and associated newsletter piece. 

  • Tapan Pathak (Agricultural Climatology Cooperative Extension Specialist at UC-ANR)
  • Mae Culumber (UCCE Farm Advisor)
  • Nina Bingham (Research Fellow at UC Davis Working Lands Innovation Center)
  • Andrew Jones (Research Fellow at UC Berkeley)
  • Jaeeun Sohng (PhD Researcher at UC Davis) 
  • Dana Walsh (Silviculturist with USFS on the Eldorado National Forest)
  • Derek Young (Research Ecologist at UC Davis)
  • Lara Buluc (Ecosystem Services and Climate Change Program Lead for USDA Forest Service Region 5) 
  • Michael Wolff (Senior Environmental Scientist at the California Department of Food and Agriculture)


Please contact us if your organization may be interested in partnering with the California Climate Hub to share ideas, contacts, and expertise.

Read more about what we do and catch up with our past engagements on our website, or keep up with our current activities through our newsletter.


Steven Ostoja

West end of Santa Cruz Island California

Chris Fischer

Chris Fischer, Co-Director California Climate Hub

Loren Unruh

Loren's bio picture

Lauren Parker
Coordinator, Climate Adaptation Specialist

Parker headshot

Jennifer Smith
Professional Staff

Jennifer Smith Headshot

Ning Zhang

Photo of Ning Zhang in front of a building

Jess DellaRossa
Professional Staff

A young woman, smiling, stands in front of a tree.

Amelia Oxarart
Professional Staff

A young woman, smiling, wearing a red shirt.