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Wood salvage project

Keep Valuable wood out of the waste stream

The Caribbean Climate Hub, the International Institute of Tropical Forestry, and State and Private forestry have partnered to promote the rescue of fallen tree wood to contribute to sustainable forestry project in Puerto Rico. 

Climatic events can result in thousands of fallen trees and lost wood in our environment and communities. This wood is valuable and can be rescued to provide economic value. 


What trees can be rescued?

Trunks measuring more than 12 inches in diameter and 12 feet long are the most valuable.

If the trunk must be cut, recommended lengths are 8’ and 4’. Trunks less than 4’ long are useful to artisans.

Most species have economic value, some examples of valuable trees are listed below:

  • Acacia (Albizia spp.)
  • Almond (Terminalia catappa)
  • Bulletwood (Manilkara bidentata)
  • Stinking toe (Hymenaea courbaril)
  • Mahogany (Swietenia spp.)
  • Spanish elm (Cordia alliodora)
  • White cogwood (Homalium racemosum)
  • Spanish cedar (Cedrela odorata)
  • Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus robusta)
  • Four-leaf buchenavia (Buchenavia capitata)
  • American muskwood (Guarea guidonia)
  • Mango (Mangifera indica)
  • Cabbagebark tree (Andira inermis)
  • Antilles calophylum (Calophyllum calaba)
  • Doncella (Byrsonima spicata)
  • White cedar (Tabebuia heterophylla)
  • Pine (Pinus caribaea)
  • Gregorywood (Bucida buceras)


Sawmill contact in Puerto Rico

If you have a sawmill and wish to be part of this list please contact us at




Project Status


Project Lead
