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Seedlot Selection Tool

An online tool that displays climate data to assist foresters and natural resource managers match planting materials (seedlots) with planting sites based on climate. The climates of the planting sites can be chosen to represent historical climates, current climates, or future climates based on selected climate change scenarios.


First, choose an objective: if you have a planting location then choose 'find seedlots' or if you have planting materials then choose 'find planting sites'. Then, select a location for reforestation or location from which planting materials (seedlots) are sourced. Region is selected automatically but can be changed if needed. Select climate scenarios (historical, current, or future climates for your seedlots of planting sites). Select transfer limit method: enter your own custom limit or use an existing zone to calculate a transfer limit. Select climate variables that are important to the plant species to match your seedlot and planting site.


A map of the climatic variables you choose noting the appropriate area from which you can source seedlots or where you can plant a seedlot.

Restrictions and Limitations

The Seedlot Selection Tool provides suggestions on where to source plant material or where to plant seedlots based solely on climatic information. This information should be weighted with reforestation expertise and experience, soil information, and ecological knowledge.




Researcher, Extension, Land Manager

Time Investment:



Spatial Scale:


Time Scale:


Tool Developers:

Conservation Biology Institute, USDA Pacific Northwest Research Station, Oregon State University