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About the Southeast Climate Hub

The Southeast Climate Hub connects public, academic, and private sector organizations with researchers and outreach specialists to deliver technical support and provide tools that help producers cope with challenges associated with drought, heat stress, excessive moisture, changes in pest pressures.

Our Hub works to maintain and strengthen agricultural production, natural resource management, and rural economic development under increasing climate variability. We work with USDA partners to deliver information and guidance on technologies and risk management practices at regional and local scales -- which helps with everyday decisions on the farm, field, and forest.

Learn about our regional climate trends, projections, and natural variability.

Southeast Climate Factsheet

Read about how climate and weather variability affects our region's agriculture, forestry, and livestock industries and how landowners and land managers can better understand and address unexpected changes in weather and related impacts.

Southeast Vulnerability Assessment

Contact Us

Please reach out if you have any questions about climate and southeastern working lands:

Mailing Address: USDA Southeast Regional Climate Hub, 3041 E. Cornwallis Rd., RTP, NC 27709

Steve McNulty


Michael Gavazzi


Allen Casey

Allen Casey, NRCS Co-lead

Cameron Stelly
Research Assistant

Cameron Stelly headshot

Renai Nez
Research Assistant

Renai Nez, Environmental Technician

Amit Chandramouly
Research Assistant

Head shot of Amit Chandramouly

Kassidy Chan
Professional Staff

Kassidy Chan, Web Developer

Cynthia Moser
Professional Staff

Cynthia Moser, Technical Writer

Stephen Britton
Research Assistant

Stephen Britton, Research Assistant